The show opens with a recap of last week’s main event, in which Tony Nese defeated Oney Lorcan and Ariya Daivari in the main event. The opening credits roll, and Aiden English and Tom Phillips are on commentary.
The NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Lio Rush, comes to the ring. Footage of Angel Garza beating Jack Gallagher this past Wednesday on NXT is shown.
1. Lio Rush defeated Oney Lorcan
-After the match, Tony Nese comes to the ring. He says it’s impressive that Rush beat Lorcan, but it’s more impressive that he beat Lorcan and Ariya Daivari last week. Nese tells Rush to sit at ringside to watch a real Superstar in action.
2. Raul Mendoza defeated Tony Nese
The Singh Brothers are backstage. They say they are normally in the Bollywood Studio, but they aren’t revealing their location now because they have the WWE 24/7 Championship.
The Brian Kendrick cuts a promo. He says there used to be a process to becoming a professional wrestler in the WWE, but that’s not the case anymore. He says Drake Maverick is the worst offender of all. Kendrick says he will wait week after week until Maverick gives him the answer he wants.
3. Isaiah Scott defeated Ariya DaivariClick Here: