Chris Jericho shares which WWE stars get private dressing rooms
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Chris Jericho shares which WWE stars get private dressing rooms

Chris Jericho was recently a guest on The Bubba Army. During the interview, he spoke on a wide variety of topics about his wrestling career. Jericho was asked which Superstars get their own private dressing rooms in WWE.
“Not many, Goldberg had it when he was there, and Lesnar has it. If Rock comes or something like that, the big guys that come in for one show. But other than that, there are no private, separate changing rooms, everyone changes together,”
On if the Undertaker is someone else who has one:
“No he didn’t, but he always changes kind of in the talent relations room, cause you know, there’s 50 guys stuffed into a room, and Undertaker doesn’t have to deal with that s***, and neither do I.Click Here: rugby shirt for sale