Before the World Championship we asked the Ireland U20 squad what they hoped to achieve
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Before the World Championship we asked the Ireland U20 squad what they hoped to achieve

IRELAND’S U20 SIDE are on the brink of history today.

They face England at the World Rugby U20 Championship final this evening.

Before the tournament, John Fallon canvassed the 28 members of the squad and asked each of them what they hoped to achieve at the tournament.

Here’s what they told him:

Jacob  Stockdale: “Play to the best of my ability and help the team progress through the championship”

Matt  Byrne: “Experience at this level. Build new friendships”

Shane Daly: “Experience at this level, perform well”

Conor O’Brien: “Reach potential as a team”

Hugo Keenan: “Win the tournament”

Johnny McPhillips: “Silverware — to win it”

Stephen Kerins: “Win the World Cup”

Andrew Porter: “To win the JWC with my team and represent my country to the best of my ability”

Adam McBurney: “To perform to full potential personally and collectively”

Ben Betts: “Develop my rugby skills and become a better player”

Sean O’Connor: “Do as best we can and enjoy playing with good mates”

James Ryan: “Win the competition”

Greg Jones: “Win the tournament”

David Aspil: “Hope to be the first Irish team to win the tournament”

Max Deegan: “To win the tournament”

Vincent O’Brien: “To top the group. Be one of the best players on the pitch when playing”

James Bollard: “Enjoy myself and play well”

Evan Mintern: “I hope to earn a place in the matchday 23, give a good account of myself and the team in the matches. And win”

Kelvin Brown: “Player of the tournament”

Niall Saunders: “To win”

Jimmy O’Brien: “Perform to the best of my ability”

Conall Boomer: “To get one cap”

Bill Johnston: “Win games and develop as a player”

Conor Kenny: “To get to the final and win it”

Paul Kiernan: “We hope to win the tournament”

Cillian Gallagher: “Win the JWC”

Vakhtang Abdaladze: “Achieve my first cap for Irish U-20, play against Georgia and overall positive performance as an individual and a team”

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Terry Kennedy: “Experience high level, perform well”

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