OPM Changes Operating Status For All Federal Employees In DC Area
OPM Changes Operating Status For All Federal Employees In DC Area

OPM Changes Operating Status For All Federal Employees In DC Area

WASHINGTON, DC — With a winter storm warning in effect for much of the Washington, D.C. region on Friday, the Office of Personnel Management has updated its operating status.

All federal employees will have a two-hour delayed arrival on Friday, with an option for unscheduled leave or unscheduled telework. Federal offices in the D.C. region will open two hours later than normally scheduled.

Unless otherwise directed by their agencies, emergency employees are expected to report to their worksite as scheduled on Friday morning.

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Telework employees who are not scheduled to telework on Friday can request unscheduled telework, but they must be prepared to telework.

Federal employees who routinely work remotely or telework are generally not eligible for weather or safety leave, so all telework employees and remote workers are expected to work Friday.

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Employees who are on preapproved paid or unpaid leave or other paid time off, including employees who request unscheduled leave or other paid time off, will usually not receive weather and safety leave and will be charged leave or paid time off.

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