Free Class Hosted By Temecula CHP Aims To Keep Young Drivers Safe
Free Class Hosted By Temecula CHP Aims To Keep Young Drivers Safe

Free Class Hosted By Temecula CHP Aims To Keep Young Drivers Safe

SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA“A teenager is killed in a traffic collision every four hours nationwide. That equates to more than 1,870 teenagers killed each year. Another 184,000 teenagers are injured in traffic collisions.”

The California Highway Patrol Temecula Area office sent out that grim reminder this week, but the agency is working to prevent future tragedies.

To that end, the CHP Temecula office is hosting a free “Start Smart” class for teens and their parents. The class takes place from 6 to 8 p.m. March 20 at Temecula City Hall, 41000 Main Street.

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The Start Smart program focuses on providing comprehensive traffic safety education.

“Teen deaths and injuries can be substantially reduced or prevented by eliminating high-risk driving behaviors through education. Start Smart employs innovative techniques to capture the attention of teenagers and parents, providing a lasting experience,” according to CHP Officer Mike Lassig. “The curriculum includes information on collision statistics, teen driver and passenger behaviors, graduated driver license (GDL) laws, cultural changes in today’s society, and the need for stronger parental involvement in a teenager’s driving experience.”

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To register for the class, email CHP Officer Mike Lassig at [email protected]

Officer Lassig can also be reached by phone at 951-466-4300.

Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, according to the CHP.

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