LM46002AQPWPRQ1 Texas Instrument Electronic Components
LLMM4466000022AAQQPPWWPPRRQQ11 TTeexxaass IInnssttrruummeenntt EElleeccttrroonniicc CCoommppoonneennttss

LM46002AQPWPRQ1 Texas Instrument Electronic Components

The LM46002AQPWPRQ1 regulator is an easy-to-use, synchronous, step-down DC-DC converter that operates from 3.5- V to 60-V supply voltage. It is capable of delivering up to 2 A of DC load current with exceptional efficiency and thermal performance in a very small solution size. An extended family is available in 0.5-A and 1-A load options in pin-to-pin compatible packages.

The LM46002AQPWPRQ1 regulator is an easy-to-use synchronous step-down DC-DC converter capable of driving up to 2 A of load current from an input voltage ranging from 3.5 V to 60 V. The LM46002AQPWPRQ1 provides exceptional efficiency, output accuracy and drop-out voltage in a very small solution size. An extended family is available in various load-current options and 36-V maximum input voltage.

LM46002AQPWPRQ1 Texas Instrument Electronic Components Features


Main product features


Qualified for Automotive Applications

AEC-Q100 Qualified With the Following Results

27-µA Quiescent Current in Regulation

High Efficiency at Light Load

Product Applications

Sub-AM Band 12-V and 24-V Automotive 
Telecommunications Systems 
Commercial Vehicle Power Supplies 
General Purpose Wide VIN Regulation 
High Efficiency Point-Of-Load Regulation