A 100 Followed By A 200 – Shubman Gill Is Cementing His Place As India's ODI Opener
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A 100 Followed By A 200 – Shubman Gill Is Cementing His Place As India's ODI Opener

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Shubman Gill became the latest entry into the ODI 200 club when he slammed 208 vs New Zealand in the 1st game. The 23-year-old is the fifth Indian on that elite list and overall is the eighth batter to achieve the feat. Gill is also ODI cricket’s youngest double-centurion.  

Just a few days back, the right-hander made 116 in the last ODI vs Sri Lanka and now he’s followed it up with a personal best score. In his last 4 ODI innings, Gill has a 200, a 100 and a 50, meaning his appetite for runs is only getting bigger.


So much so, it appears Gill is slowly cementing himself as India’s ODI opener. Do not be surprised if we see him partnering with Rohit Sharma at the top during the Word Cup which is roughly 9 months away. 

Gill came onto the ODI scene in 2019 but only in the last 12 months has he started to peak. It’s India that’s reaping the benefits. Gill is also the fastest Indian to 1000 ODI runs and is in joint-second place on the overall list. 


Gill’s ODI record speaks for itself. The man has scored 1102 runs in 19 innings. He has made 3 100s and 5 50s with a personal best of 208. He averages 68.88 along with a strike rate of 109. Indeed numbers to be proud of. 

India will hope this golden run continues. Very young on the international scene, Gill has a long way to go. But at the moment, he is on the right track.

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