Fastener Fair France: The Fastener and Fixing Sector Has its Own
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Fastener Fair France: The Fastener and Fixing Sector Has its Own


The first edition of Fastener Fair France has recently ended. For two days, on 28 and 29 November, close to 1,500 visitors came to the show. They were mainly Managers (33%), Heads of Department (21%), Buyers (16%) or Engineers (11%), largely from the automotive, distribution, aerospace, mechanical engineering, hardware / DIY, agricultural machinery, maintenance / repair sectors.

A large proportion of them worked for Distributors / Suppliers to users (31%) or Wholesalers / Suppliers to resellers (17%). Many manufacturers also attended the show (33%), as well as users (19%).

Among them were representatives from Airbus, Renault, Restagraf, Ligier Group, Dassault, Ariane Group, Würth, Fischer, Bufab, Agrati, Arconic, Fontana, Robert Bosch, Sika France, British Steel, RATP, Henkel France, VoestAlpine, or Voith Turbo. In all, 46 countries were represented, with 36% of visitors from outside France. 161 exhibitors from 15 countries, 53% of them from outside France – highlighting the international nature of this event – inaugurated this first French exhibition for fastener and fixing technologies. Among them, large French groups and SMEs, with a strong representation from Italian, German, Spanish, Turkish, Belgian, Dutch, English and Portuguese players.

Their feedback is very positive. The majority praised the quality of the visitors, resulting in qualified appointments, and some have already indicated their commitment to a second edition in 2020.

“This French edition of the Fastener Fair series has been good. For two days, we were able to meet potential new customers and also to make our business more known.”  Idriss Tigli – TeknoForm Fasteners

“It was a promising first edition. We had the opportunity to have good exchanges with very interesting visitors, in line with our business.”  Markus Gebehenne – Lederer GmbH

“This show was a good initiative that allowed us to make contacts that we would not have had the opportunity to do otherwise. The show could be expanded.”  Thibaut Bienfait – Schaefer & Peters France SARL

“This first edition was also a first for us. This is indeed the first time we exhibit on a show.  It was a good introduction to meet new contacts in order to develop our markets.”  Mathias Avril – Bayonet

“With hundreds of active customers in France, the French market is important for Stafa. It was therefore important that we be present at Fastener Fair, because 2019 will be an important year with the development of our commercial office in Belfort, open since October 2018. The show has brought us new business opportunities.”  Ivo Van Gool – Stafa Group

This first edition of Fastener Fair France has therefore kept all its promises. These two days were punctuated by business and networking meetings, and free-to-attend events. Conferences organised by exhibitors and show partners proved popular with visitors. Highlights on Wednesday included a presentation by Glomax on galvanic processes and the weakening of hydrogen, a very enlightening conference by Atotech on industrial needs and a seminar on markets by the association Prismefix emphasising the international nature of this sector. Thursday was about cold forging and assembly techniques, in a conference hosted by the company Transvalor.

All signs are there for FASTENER FAIR FRANCE to become the international point of reference in France for the fastener and fixing industry.  See you in 2020 for a second edition!

FASTENER FAIR is a series of exhibitions hosted in 6 countries: Germany, Italy, Turkey, the United States, Mexico, and India. Each one of the events contributes to developing the international reputation of the others. The show is organised by Mack Brooks (France) Ltd, also responsible for the International Railway Exhibition SIFER.

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