Wanda Nara is no longer Mauro Icardi’s agent
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Wanda Nara is no longer Mauro Icardi’s agent

Wanda Nara has confirmed that she has begun a procedure to divorce 29-year-old striker Mauro Icardi, who is currently on loan at Galatasaray from Paris Saint-Germain, whilst also revealing that she is no longer the agent of the Argentinian forward. 

After various reports of difficulties for the couple of late, their separation was confirmed at the end of September, with Icardi subsequently making an unsuccessful trip to Argentina in an attempt to try and repair the relationship. The trip didn’t go down well with his loan club, Galatasaray, who didn’t sanction his leave of absence. 

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As well as beginning proceedings over a divorce, which is being described as “complex” in the Turkish press, Nara is no longer Icardi’s agent either. In an announcement on Italian TV, transcribed by RMC Sport, Nara said, “I thought that it wasn’t good for me to represent Icardi now and I have ended my contract with Galatasaray.”

On the divorce, Nara explained that “We have really broken up. For two months, we haven’t lived together. We have signed the papers. One of my lawyer friends is following us. He (the lawyer) is doing it with his heart because he loves us both. I am very determined with the separation; my priority is the children.”

After joining PSG from Inter Milan in 2020, Icardi still has over 18 months left on his PSG contract left to run.