Lyon owner John Textor’s Botafogo falls behind on staff payments
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Lyon owner John Textor’s Botafogo falls behind on staff payments

Whilst John Textor recently concluded the takeover of Olympique Lyonnais, heads have turned to the club he owns in Brazil, Botafogo, who have been in turmoil for several weeks due to late payments. Foot Mercato report the latest information coming from Portuguese outlet A Bola, that the Rio de Janeiro-based club are experiencing further delays in payments – with Christmas bonuses having been affected. 

This comes on top of several players and staff members not having been paid on time – with specifically bonuses on signed contracts which are oftentimes divided and paid monthly still being pending as of last month. The club confirmed in November that they were experiencing “unexpected” problems linked to the club’s treasury, but were up-to-date concerning payments of players and staff salary and image rights. 

Meanwhile John Textor, who is the 90% shareholder of Botafago, recently concluded his acquisition of Lyon through his company Eagle Football following months of delays and missed deadlines after exclusive negotiations began four months ago. 


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